1 feedback attenuation
Электроника: коэффициент ослабления в цепи обратной связи -
2 feedback attenuation
English-Russian electronics dictionary > feedback attenuation
3 feedback attenuation
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > feedback attenuation
4 feedback attenuation
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > feedback attenuation
5 attenuation
1) затухание; ослабление2) коэффициент затухания, декремент; коэффициент ослабления•- acoustoelectric attenuation
- adjacent-channel attenuation
- atmospheric attenuation
- beam attenuation
- bound-electron attenuation
- cloud attenuation
- clutter attenuation
- crosstalk attenuation
- current attenuation
- direct-coupled attenuation
- dissipative attenuation
- echo attenuation
- erasing attenuation
- far-end crosstalk attenuation
- far-field attenuation
- feedback attenuation
- filter attenuation
- flame attenuation
- free-space attenuation
- geometrical attenuation
- harmonic attenuation
- impurity attenuation
- ionosphere attenuation
- lattice attenuation
- leakage attenuation
- magnetoacoustic attenuation
- magnetoelastic attenuation
- meteorological precipitation attenuation
- meteor trail attenuation
- microwave attenuation
- mist attenuation
- near-end crosstalk attenuation
- network attenuation
- out-of-band attenuation
- overall system attenuation
- path attenuation
- phonon attenuation
- plane-earth attenuation
- power attenuation
- precipitation attenuation
- rain attenuation
- rainfall attenuation
- range attenuation
- receiver attenuation
- reflective attenuation
- relaxation attenuation
- second-channel attenuation - shield attenuation
- sideband attenuation
- signal attenuation
- snowfall attenuation
- sound attenuation
- space attenuation
- specific attenuation
- spherical-earth attenuation
- spurious-response attenuation
- stopband attenuation
- submillimeter-wave attenuation
- through attenuation
- transmission attenuation
- turbulent fluctuation attenuation
- ultrasonic attenuation
- voltage attenuation
- wave attenuation
- waveguide attenuation -
6 attenuation
1) затухание; ослабление2) коэффициент затухания, декремент; коэффициент ослабления•- adjacent-channel attenuation
- atmospheric attenuation
- attenuation of wave
- beam attenuation
- bound-electron attenuation
- cloud attenuation
- clutter attenuation
- crosstalk attenuation
- current attenuation
- direct-coupled attenuation
- dissipative attenuation
- echo attenuation
- erasing attenuation
- far-end crosstalk attenuation
- far-field attenuation
- feedback attenuation
- filter attenuation
- flame attenuation
- free-space attenuation
- geometrical attenuation
- harmonic attenuation
- impurity attenuation
- ionosphere attenuation
- lattice attenuation
- leakage attenuation
- magnetoacoustic attenuation
- magnetoelastic attenuation
- meteor trail attenuation
- meteorological precipitation attenuation
- microwave attenuation
- mist attenuation
- near-end crosstalk attenuation
- network attenuation
- out-of-band attenuation
- overall system attenuation
- path attenuation
- phonon attenuation
- plane-earth attenuation
- power attenuation
- precipitation attenuation
- rain attenuation
- rainfall attenuation
- range attenuation
- receiver attenuation
- reflective attenuation
- relaxation attenuation
- second-channel attenuation
- second-channel interference attenuation
- shadow attenuation
- shield attenuation
- sideband attenuation
- signal attenuation
- snowfall attenuation
- sound attenuation
- space attenuation
- specific attenuation
- spherical-earth attenuation
- spurious-response attenuation
- stopband attenuation
- submillimeter-wave attenuation
- through attenuation
- transmission attenuation
- turbulent fluctuation attenuation
- ultrasonic attenuation
- voltage attenuation
- wave attenuation
- waveguide attenuation
- wide-band attenuationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > attenuation
7 amplifier
- accumulating amplifier
- acoustic amplifier
- acoustic-wave amplifier
- acoustoelectric amplifier
- acoustoelectronic amplifier
- AGC amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- anticoincidence amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- automatic gain control amplifier - backward-wave power amplifier
- backward-wave tube amplifier
- balanced amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- baseband amplifier
- bass amplifier
- beam-injection magnetron amplifier
- beam-plasma amplifier
- beam-type parametric amplifier
- biased pulse amplifier
- bidirectional amplifier
- bi-FET operational amplifier
- bilateral amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar-field-effect transistor operational amplifier
- booster amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- bridge amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bulk-wave amplifier
- burst amplifier
- camera amplifier
- cancellation amplifier
- capacitance-coupled amplifier
- capacitive-differentiation amplifier
- capacitive-integration amplifier
- capacitor transmitter amplifier
- carries-type dc amplifier
- cascade amplifier
- cascade-controlled attenuation amplifier
- cascode amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cathode-follower amplifier
- cathode-input amplifier
- CATV line amplifier
- cavity-type amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- charge amplifier
- chemical amplifier
- choke-coupled amplifier
- chopper amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma amplifier
- chroma bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- circlotron amplifier
- circular-type magnetron amplifier
- circulator-coupled amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- clipping amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- combining amplifier
- common-base amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- community antenna television line amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- complementary symmetry amplifier
- complementary transistor amplifier
- complementing amplifier
- contact-modulated amplifier
- control amplifier
- cooled parametric amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- crossed-field amplifier
- crossed-field waveguide coupled amplifier
- cryogenic amplifier
- cryotron amplifier
- current amplifier
- cyclotron-wave amplifier
- Darlington amplifier
- data amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate parametric amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- difference amplifier
- difference-frequency parametric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differential-input amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digitally controlled amplifier
- digitally programmed amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct-coupled amplifier
- direct-inductive coupling amplifier
- directional amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- discontinuous amplifier
- distributed amplifier
- distributing amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-detection amplifier
- double-ended amplifier - double-sided amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- drift-stabilized amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-channel amplifier
- duo-directional amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- dye-laser amplifier
- dynamoelectric amplifier
- EBS amplifier
- echo amplifier
- echo unit amplifier
- elastic-wave amplifier
- electric organ amplifier
- electrochemical amplifier
- electromagnetic ferrite amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier - electronic amplifier
- electronically tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- EM ferrite amplifier
- emitter-follower amplifier
- erase amplifier
- error amplifier
- exponential amplifier
- extender amplifier
- Fabry-Perot amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast amplifier
- fast cyclotron-wave amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedback-stabilized amplifier
- ferrimagnetic amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferroelectric parametric amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- ferroresonant magnetic amplifier
- field amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- fixed-tuned amplifier
- flat-gain amplifier
- floating paraphase amplifier
- floating-point amplifier
- fluid amplifier
- folded amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-frequency reactance amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-elimination amplifier
- frequency-miltiplier amplifier
- frequency-rejection amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- front amplifier
- front-end amplifier
- gain-adjusting amplifier
- gain-controlled amplifier
- gain-programmable amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- gain-switching amplifier
- gamma amplifier
- gate amplifier
- gated amplifier
- gate-pulse amplifier
- gating amplifier
- general-purpose amplifier
- Goto twin-pair amplifier
- grid-modulated amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-cathode grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- grounded-source amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- Gunn diode amplifier
- half-wave push-pull magnetic amplifier
- harmonic magnetic amplifier
- head amplifier
- head-end amplifier - heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier - hybrid amplifier
- hydraulic amplifier
- IC amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate frequency amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- impedance-capacitance coupled amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- inductively coupled amplifier - instrumentation amplifier
- integrated circuit amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intermediate power amplifier
- intervening amplifier
- inverted amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolated amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- isolation amplifier
- iterative amplifier
- Josephson-junction amplifier
- K-amplifier - launch amplifier
- law amplifier
- level amplifier
- light amplifier
- lighthouse-tube amplifier
- limited-gain amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- linear amplifier - lin-log amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- log amplifier - lower sideband parametric amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier - magnetic-recording amplifier
- magnetic-reproducing amplifier
- magnetoelastic-wave amplifier
- magnetoresistive amplifier
- magnetostatic ferrite amplifier
- magnetostatic-wave amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier - matching amplifier
- M-D amplifier - mid-range amplifier
- Miller integrator amplifier
- millimeter-wave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modified semistatic ferrite amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance
- modulation-demodulation amplifier
- molecular microwave amplifier
- monitor amplifier
- mono amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- MS ferrite amplifier
- MSS ferrite amplifier
- M-type amplifier
- multiaperture-core magnetic amplifier
- multicavity-klystron amplifier
- multiple-loop feedback amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- nanosecond pulse amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- negative-conductance amplifier
- negative-effective-mass amplifier
- negative-feedback amplifier
- negative-resistance amplifier
- negative-resistance parametric amplifier
- neodymium amplifier
- neutralized amplifier
- noise-immune amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppression amplifier
- noisy amplifier
- noncomplementing amplifier
- nondegenerate parametric amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- nonlinear-susceptance amplifier
- nonreciprocal amplifier
- nonreentrant crossed-field forward wave amplifier
- off-chip amplifier
- on-chip amplifier
- one-chip amplifier
- one-port amplifier
- one-way amplifier - optical feedback amplifier
- optical fiber laser amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- overstaggered amplifier
- PA amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- panoramic amplifier
- parallel-feed amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier - paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- peak-limiting amplifier
- pentriode amplifier
- periodically distributed amplifier
- phase-coherent degenerate amplifier
- phase-linear amplifier
- phase-preserving amplifier
- phase-sensitive amplifier
- phase-splitting amplifier
- phase-tolerant amplifier
- phonon parametric amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- photodiode parametric amplifier
- photoparametric amplifier
- piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier
- pilot amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plate-modulated amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- polarity-inverting amplifier
- positive-feedback amplifier
- power amplifier
- power-video amplifier
- prime amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- programmable-gain amplifier
- proportional amplifier
- public-address amplifier
- pulse amplifier
- pulse distribution amplifier
- pulse-pumped parametric amplifier
- push-pull amplifier
- push-pull-parallel amplifier
- push-push amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quadrupole amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- quantum-mechanical amplifier
- quasi-degenerate parametric amplifier
- quiescent push-pull amplifier - Rayleigh-wave amplifier
- RC amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reading amplifier
- reading-writing amplifier
- receiving amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- reentrant-beam crossed-field amplifier
- reference amplifier
- reflection-type parametric amplifier
- reflex amplifier
- refrigerated parametric amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- Regulex amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reset amplifier
- resistance-capacitance-coupled amplifier
- resistance-coupled amplifier
- resistive-wall amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- response selection amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- ring amplifier
- root amplifier
- rooter amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotary fader amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- rotating magnetic amplifier
- sample-and-hold amplifier
- sampling amplifier
- SAW amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- self-pumped parametric amplifier
- self-saturating magnetic amplifier
- semiconductor-diode parametric amplifier
- semistatic ferrite amplifier
- sense amplifier
- sensing amplifier
- sensitive amplifier
- series-fed amplifier
- series-peaked amplifier
- servo amplifier
- shunt-and series-peaked amplifier
- shunt-fed amplifier
- shunting amplifier
- shunt-peaked amplifier
- signal-frequency amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-ended push-pull amplifier
- single-port amplifier - single-sideband parametric amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- small-signal amplifier
- solid-state amplifier - spin-wave amplifier
- square-law amplifier
- square amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- squaring amplifier
- squarish amplifier
- SS ferrite amplifier
- stabilizing amplifier
- staggered amplifier
- stagger-damped double-tuned amplifier
- staggered-pair amplifier
- staggered-triple amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- standing-wave amplifier
- starved amplifier
- step-up amplifier
- stereo amplifier
- straight amplifier
- sum-frequency parametric amplifier
- summing amplifier
- superconducting amplifier
- superregenerative amplifier
- superregenerative paramagnetic amplifier
- superregenerative parametric amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- surface-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- switching amplifier
- synchronizing amplifier
- synchronous single-tuned amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- thermal amplifier
- thick-film amplifier
- three-frequency parametric amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-base amplifier
- time-control amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- torque amplifier
- totem-pole amplifier
- transconductance amplifier
- transducer amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transistor-magnetic amplifier
- transitionally coupled amplifier
- transmission-line amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transresistance amplifier
- transverse-wave electron-beam parametric amplifier - triode amplifier
- triple-tuned amplifier
- trunk amplifier
- tube amplifier
- tuned amplifier - twin-tee amplifier
- two-directional amplifier
- two-port amplifier
- two-pump parametric amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- TWT amplifier
- ultrasonic amplifier
- unidirectional amplifier
- unilateral amplifier
- unilateralized amplifier
- unity-gain amplifier
- untuned amplifier
- upper sideband parametric amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- varactor parametric amplifier
- variable-gain amplifier
- variable-parametric amplifier
- variable-reactance amplifier
- velocity-modulated amplifier
- velocity-variation amplifier
- vertical amplifier
- vibrating capacitor amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-distribution amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- video-head amplifier
- vision-distribution amplifier
- vocal amplifier
- voltage amplifier - volume-wave amplifier
- Wallman amplifier
- Weber tetrode amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- wide-dynamic range amplifier
- Williamson amplifier
- writing amplifier
- YIG parametric amplifier
- zero-phase-shift amplifier -
8 amplifier
- accumulating amplifier
- acoustic amplifier
- acoustic-wave amplifier
- acoustoelectric amplifier
- acoustoelectronic amplifier
- AGC amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- anticoincidence amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- automatic gain control amplifier
- backward-wave amplifier
- backward-wave parametric amplifier
- backward-wave power amplifier
- backward-wave tube amplifier
- balanced amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- baseband amplifier
- bass amplifier
- beam-injection magnetron amplifier
- beam-plasma amplifier
- beam-type parametric amplifier
- biased pulse amplifier
- bidirectional amplifier
- bi-FET operational amplifier
- bilateral amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar-field-effect transistor operational amplifier
- booster amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- bridge amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bulk-wave amplifier
- burst amplifier
- camera amplifier
- cancellation amplifier
- capacitance-coupled amplifier
- capacitive-differentiation amplifier
- capacitive-integration amplifier
- capacitor transmitter amplifier
- carries-type dc amplifier
- cascade amplifier
- cascade-controlled attenuation amplifier
- cascode amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cathode-follower amplifier
- cathode-input amplifier
- CATV line amplifier
- cavity-type amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- charge amplifier
- chemical amplifier
- choke-coupled amplifier
- chopper amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma amplifier
- chroma bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- circlotron amplifier
- circular-type magnetron amplifier
- circulator-coupled amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- clipping amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- combining amplifier
- common-base amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- community antenna television line amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- complementary symmetry amplifier
- complementary transis-tor amplifier
- complementing amplifier
- contact-modulated amplifier
- control amplifier
- cooled parametric amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- crossed-field amplifier
- crossed-field waveguide coupled amplifier
- cryogenic amplifier
- cryotron amplifier
- current amplifier
- cyclotron-wave amplifier
- Darlington amplifier
- data amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate parametric amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- difference amplifier
- difference-frequency parametric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differential-input amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digitally controlled amplifier
- digitally programmed amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- direct-coupled amplifier
- direct-inductive coupling amplifier
- directional amplifier
- discontinuous amplifier
- distributed amplifier
- distributing amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-detection amplifier
- double-ended amplifier
- double-pumped parametric amplifier
- double-sideband parametric amplifier
- double-sided amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- drift-stabilized amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-channel amplifier
- duo-directional amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- dye-laser amplifier
- dynamoelectric amplifier
- EBS amplifier
- echo amplifier
- echo unit amplifier
- elastic-wave amplifier
- electric organ amplifier
- electrochemical amplifier
- electromagnetic ferrite amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier
- electron-beam parametric amplifier
- electron-bombardment semiconductor amplifier
- electronic amplifier
- electronically tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- EM ferrite amplifier
- emitter-follower amplifier
- erase amplifier
- error amplifier
- exponential amplifier
- extender amplifier
- Fabry-Perot amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast amplifier
- fast cyclotron-wave amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedback-stabilized amplifier
- ferrimagnetic amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferroelectric parametric amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- ferroresonant magnetic amplifier
- field amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- fixed-tuned amplifier
- flat-gain amplifier
- floating paraphase amplifier
- floating-point amplifier
- fluid amplifier
- folded amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-frequency reactance amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-elimination amplifier
- frequency-miltiplier amplifier
- frequency-rejection amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- front amplifier
- front-end amplifier
- gain-adjusting amplifier
- gain-controlled amplifier
- gain-programmable amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- gain-switching amplifier
- gamma amplifier
- gate amplifier
- gated amplifier
- gate-pulse amplifier
- gating amplifier
- general-purpose amplifier
- Goto twin-pair amplifier
- grid-modulated amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-cathode grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- grounded-source amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- Gunn diode amplifier
- half-wave push-pull magnetic amplifier
- harmonic magnetic amplifier
- head amplifier
- head-end amplifier
- headphone amplifier
- helix parametric amplifier
- heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier
- high power amplifier
- high-frequency amplifier
- horizontal amplifier
- hybrid amplifier
- hydraulic amplifier
- IC amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate frequency amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- impedance-capacitance coupled amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- inductively coupled amplifier
- injected-beam crossed-field amplifier
- injected-beam forward-wave magnetron amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier
- integrated-circuit amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate amplifier
- intermediate power amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intervening amplifier
- inverted amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolated amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- isolation amplifier
- iterative amplifier
- Josephson-junction amplifier
- K amplifier
- klystron amplifier
- laser amplifier
- launch amplifier
- law amplifier
- level amplifier
- light amplifier
- lighthouse-tube amplifier
- limited-gain amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- linear amplifier for various applications
- linear amplifier
- linear-type magnetron amplifier
- lin-log amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- log amplifier
- logarithmic amplifier
- longitudinal-beam amplifier
- lower sideband parametric amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier
- magnetic amplifier
- magnetic-film amplifier
- magnetic-recording amplifier
- magnetic-reproducing amplifier
- magnetoelastic-wave amplifier
- magnetoresistive amplifier
- magnetostatic ferrite amplifier
- magnetostatic-wave amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier
- master oscillator-power amplifier
- matched amplifier
- matching amplifier
- M-D amplifier
- microphone amplifier
- microwave atomic amplifier
- mid-range amplifier
- Miller integrator amplifier
- millimeter-wave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modified semistatic ferrite amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance
- modulation-demodulation amplifier
- molecular microwave amplifier
- monitor amplifier
- mono amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- MS ferrite amplifier
- MSS ferrite amplifier
- M-type amplifier
- multiaperture-core magnetic amplifier
- multicavity-klystron amplifier
- multiple-loop feedback amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- nanosecond pulse amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- negative-conductance amplifier
- negative-effective-mass amplifier
- negative-feedback amplifier
- negative-resistance amplifier
- negative-resistance parametric amplifier
- neodymium amplifier
- neutralized amplifier
- noise-immune amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppression amplifier
- noisy amplifier
- noncomplementing amplifier
- nondegenerate parametric amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- nonlinear-susceptance amplifier
- nonreciprocal amplifier
- nonreentrant crossed-field forward wave amplifier
- off-chip amplifier
- on-chip amplifier
- one-chip amplifier
- one-port amplifier
- one-way amplifier
- operational amplifier
- optical amplifier
- optical feedback amplifier
- optical fiber laser amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- overstaggered amplifier
- PA amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- panoramic amplifier
- parallel-feed amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier
- parametric amplifier
- parametric varactor amplifier
- paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- peak-limiting amplifier
- pentriode amplifier
- periodically distributed amplifier
- phase-coherent degenerate amplifier
- phase-linear amplifier
- phase-preserving amplifier
- phase-sensitive amplifier
- phase-splitting amplifier
- phase-tolerant amplifier
- phonon parametric amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- photodiode parametric amplifier
- photoparametric amplifier
- piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier
- pilot amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- plate-modulated amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- polarity-inverting amplifier
- positive-feedback amplifier
- power amplifier
- power-video amplifier
- prime amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- programmable-gain amplifier
- proportional amplifier
- public-address amplifier
- pulse amplifier
- pulse distribution amplifier
- pulse-pumped parametric amplifier
- push-pull amplifier
- push-pull-parallel amplifier
- push-push amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quadrupole amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- quantum-mechanical amplifier
- quasi-degenerate parametric amplifier
- quiescent push-pull amplifier
- radio-frequency amplifier
- Ramey amplifier
- Rayleigh-wave amplifier
- RC amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reading amplifier
- reading-writing amplifier
- receiving amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- reentrant-beam crossed-field amplifier
- reference amplifier
- reflection-type parametric amplifier
- reflex amplifier
- refrigerated parametric amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- Regulex amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reset amplifier
- resistance-capacitance-coupled amplifier
- resistance-coupled amplifier
- resistive-wall amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- response selection amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- ring amplifier
- root amplifier
- rooter amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotary fader amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- rotating magnetic amplifier
- sample-and-hold amplifier
- sampling amplifier
- SAW amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- self-pumped parametric amplifier
- self-saturating magnetic amplifier
- semiconductor-diode parametric amplifier
- semistatic ferrite amplifier
- sense amplifier
- sensing amplifier
- sensitive amplifier
- series-fed amplifier
- series-peaked amplifier
- servo amplifier
- shunt-and series-peaked amplifier
- shunt-fed amplifier
- shunting amplifier
- shunt-peaked amplifier
- signal-frequency amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-ended push-pull amplifier
- single-port amplifier
- single-pumped parametric amplifier
- single-section amplifier
- single-sideband parametric amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- small-signal amplifier
- solid-state amplifier
- solid-state power amplifier
- source-follower amplifier
- speaker amplifier
- speech amplifier
- spin-wave amplifier
- square amplifier
- square-law amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- squaring amplifier
- squarish amplifier
- SS ferrite amplifier
- stabilizing amplifier
- stagger-damped double-tuned amplifier
- staggered amplifier
- staggered-pair amplifier
- staggered-triple amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- standing-wave amplifier
- starved amplifier
- step-up amplifier
- stereo amplifier
- straight amplifier
- sum-frequency parametric amplifier
- summing amplifier
- superconducting amplifier
- superregenerative amplifier
- superregenerative paramagnetic amplifier
- superregenerative parametric amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- surface-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- switching amplifier
- synchronizing amplifier
- synchronous single-tuned amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- thermal amplifier
- thick-film amplifier
- three-frequency parametric amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-base amplifier
- time-control amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- torque amplifier
- totem-pole amplifier
- transconductance amplifier
- transducer amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transistor-magnetic amplifier
- transitionally coupled amplifier
- transmission-line amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transresistance amplifier
- transverse-wave electron-beam parametric amplifier
- traveling-wave acoustic amplifier
- traveling-wave amplifier
- traveling-wave parametric amplifier
- traveling-wave tube amplifier
- treble amplifier
- triode amplifier
- triple-tuned amplifier
- trunk amplifier
- tube amplifier
- tuned amplifier
- tunnel-diode amplifier
- twin-pair amplifier
- twin-tee amplifier
- two-directional amplifier
- two-port amplifier
- two-pump parametric amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- TWT amplifier
- ultrasonic amplifier
- unidirectional amplifier
- unilateral amplifier
- unilateralized amplifier
- unity-gain amplifier
- untuned amplifier
- upper sideband parametric amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- varactor parametric amplifier
- variable-gain amplifier
- variable-parametric amplifier
- variable-reactance amplifier
- velocity-modulated amplifier
- velocity-variation amplifier
- vertical amplifier
- vibrating capacitor amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-distribution amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- video-head amplifier
- vision-distribution amplifier
- vocal amplifier
- voltage amplifier
- voltage-controlled amplifier
- volume-limiting amplifier
- volume-wave amplifier
- Wallman amplifier
- Weber tetrode amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- wide-dynamic range amplifier
- Williamson amplifier
- writing amplifier
- YIG parametric amplifier
- zero-phase-shift amplifierThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > amplifier
9 filter
1) фильтр
2) биофильтр
3) выцедить
4) выцеживать
5) отцеживать
6) фильтровальный
7) фильтровый
8) цедилка
9) цедило
10) < radio> промежуточный
11) фильтровать
12) отфильтровывать
13) просачиваться
14) профильтровать
15) фильтростроение
16) фильтрующий
– absorbent filter
– absorption filter
– acoustic filter
– active filter
– air filter
– all-ass filter
– all-pass filter
– all-pole filter
– antismoke filter
– ashless filter
– bacteriological filter
– bag filter
– baghouse filter
– band filter
– band of filter
– band-elimination filter
– band-exclusion filter
– band-pass filter
– band-splitting filter
– bandpass filter
– batch-type filter
– biological filter
– brute-force filter
– butters filter
– camera filter
– candle filter
– capacitance-resistance filter
– cartridge filter
– channel filter
– charcoal filter
– choke filter
– coarse filter
– comb filter
– compensating filter
– constant-K filter
– crystal filter
– deironing filter
– depth filter
– digital filter
– directional filter
– discrete filter
– discrimination of a filter
– disk filter
– dust filter
– edge filter
– equal-element filter
– fabric filter
– feedback filter
– felt filter
– filter board
– filter cake
– filter cell
– filter center
– filter choke
– filter clogging
– filter cup
– filter discrimination
– filter element
– filter factor
– filter hut
– filter media
– filter medium
– filter out
– filter pad
– filter paper
– filter passband
– filter sand
– filter section
– filter sludging
– filter sterilization
– filter stock
– filter tip
– filter vat
– fine filter
– folded filter
– fuel filter
– full-flow oil filter
– gasoline filter
– gravel filter
– gravity filter
– harmonic filter
– heat filter
– high-pass filter
– hole filter
– inertialess filter
– interference filter
– inverse-response filter
– iterative filter
– kieselguhr filter
– ladder-type filter
– leaf filter
– light filter
– line filter
– LO filter
– lossless filter
– low-pass filter
– Lyot-Ohman filter
– m-derived filter
– match filter
– matched filter
– membrane filter
– micro-wave filter
– monochromatic filter
– narrow-band filter
– needle filter
– neutral filter
– noise filter
– optical filter
– optimum filter
– output filter
– parametric filter
– percolating filter
– pipe filter
– polarizing filter
– polishing filter
– powder filter
– precoat filter
– predicting filter
– pressure filter
– pressure-type filter
– projector filter
– quarter-wave filter
– quartz filter
– quasi-optical filter
– radio-interference filter
– reciprocal filter
– rejection filter
– resonator filter
– ripple filter
– sand filter
– screen filter
– selective filter
– self-cleaning filter
– separation filter
– sewerage filter
– single-mess filter
– sponge filter
– stripline filter
– subtractive filter
– suction filter
– supply-line filter
– suppression filter
– surface-wave filter
– total filter
– tunable filter
– tuneable filter
– tuned filter
– two-section filter
– velocity filter
– wave filter
– waveguide filter
– wide-band filter
filter attenuation band — <tech.> зона непрозрачности
filter transmission band — <tech.> зона прозрачности
linear continuous filter — <electr.> фильтр непрерывный линейный
swing filter out of beam — выводить светофильтр из пути луча
10 equalizer
1) выравниватель; уравниватель2) метал. выравнивающее сопло ( в системе охлаждения проката)3) ж.-д. балансир4) ж.-д. уравнительное соединение ( тягового двигателя)5) эл. уравнительное соединение6) корректор; компенсатор•-
adaptive equalizer
amplitude equalizer
aperture equalizer
attenuation equalizer
baseband equalizer
bump equalizer
cosine equalizer
decision-feedback equalizer
delay equalizer
derivative equalizer
equal-spaced equalizer
feedback equalizer
feedforward equalizer
fixed equalizer
fractionally spaced equalizer
frequency-response equalizer
fuel equalizer
group-delay equalizer
line equalizer
mid-range equalizer
noise-spectrum equalizer
passband equalizer
phase equalizer
playback equalizer
presence equalizer
pressure equalizer
record equalizer
recursive equalizer
self-correcting equalizer
slope equalizer
spectrum equalizer
temperature equalizer
tilt equalizer
time equalizer
track frames equalizer
transit time equalizer
transversal equalizer
variable equalizer
video-frequency equalizer -
11 characteristic
1) свойство, признак2) характеристика; мн. ч. технические данные; параметры3) кривая•-
absolute spectral-response characteristic
acceleration characteristic of fuel
acceleration characteristic
acceptable water characteristic
adsorption-desorption characteristic of catalyst
aerodynamic characteristics
aerolastic characteristics
aging characteristics
air flow characteristic
aircraft performance characteristics
amplitude-versus-frequency response characteristic
amplitude-frequency response characteristic
amplitude-versus-frequency characteristic
amplitude-frequency characteristic
amplitude-phase characteristic
anode characteristic
attenuation characteristic
availability characteristic
background response characteristic
baking characteristic
B-H characteristic
bonding characteristics
brake response characteristic
braking characteristic
bread-making characteristic
breakdown characteristic
brittle-fracture characteristic
camera spectral-sensitivity camera-taking characteristics
camera spectral camera-taking characteristics
camera spectral-sensitivity characteristics
camera spectral characteristics
casting characteristics
cathode characteristic
charge characteristic
chromatic characteristic
cleaning characteristics
coking characteristics
color characteristic
color photographic characteristics
comparison characteristics
constant-current characteristic
continuous cooling transformation characteristics
control characteristic
cooking characteristics
corrosive characteristics
crack propagation characteristic
cracking characteristic of catalyst
creep characteristic
current-illumination characteristic
current-voltage characteristic
cutoff characteristic
cutoff current characteristic
damping characteristic
dc characteristic
decay characteristic
design characteristics
detonation characteristic
diode characteristic
directional characteristic
discharge characteristic
discharge voltage-current characteristic
distillation characteristic
double-humped characteristic
drooping characteristic
dynamic characteristic
edibility characteristics
efficiency-concentration characteristic
E-I characteristic
elastic characteristics
electrode characteristic
elevation characteristics
emission characteristic
engine full-load characteristics
envelope delay characteristic
etching characteristic
exposure characteristics
fail-safe characteristics
falling characteristic
fatigue characteristic
feedback characteristic
filtration characteristic of catalyst
flashover characteristic
flight characteristics
flow characteristics
fluidizing characteristics
forward characteristic
frequency-response characteristic
frequency characteristic
friction gearing pull characteristic
frictional characteristic of lubricants
fuel gravity characteristics
full-load characteristic
fusibility characteristic
gain characteristic
gain-frequency characteristic
gain-phase characteristic
gain-transfer characteristic
gamma characteristic
gray-tone characteristic
grid characteristic
grid-drive characteristic
group-delay characteristic
handling characteristic
hardening characteristics
heat transfer characteristic
high-temperature stress-rupture characteristic
holographic characteristics
hysteresis characteristic
impedance-frequency characteristic
impedance characteristic
input characteristic
knock characteristic of gasoline
lag characteristic
landing characteristics
light-transfer characteristic
linear characteristic
load characteristic
longevity propagation characteristic
luminous characteristic
luminous-resistance characteristic
machine characteristics
magnetic characteristic
magnetization characteristic
mb characteristics
metering characteristic
milling characteristic
moisture discharge characteristic
noise characteristic
no-load characteristic
nozzle spray characteristic
numerical characteristic
open-circuit characteristic
operating characteristics
optimal characteristic
output characteristic
overload characteristics
oxidation characteristic
packing characteristic of polymer
performance characteristics
persistance characteristic
phase-response characteristic
phase characteristic
photographic characteristics
photovoltaic characteristic
plate characteristic
population characteristic
pore structure characteristic of catalyst
positive void characteristic
power characteristic of fuel
prearcing time/current characteristic
pressure drop characteristics
processing characteristics
propulsion performance characteristics
pulse-response characteristic
pulse characteristic
qualitative characteristic
quantitative characteristic
quantization characteristic
recovery characteristic
rectifying characteristic
reliability characteristic
resin leakage characteristics
resistance variation characteristic
resistance-temperature characteristic
resolving-power characteristics
resonance characteristic
response characteristic
reverse characteristic
running characteristics
sample characteristic
saturation characteristic
sensitometric characteristics
series characteristic
shatter characteristic
short-circuit characteristic
shunt characteristic
sloping characteristic
solidifying characteristics of oil
spectral characteristic
spectral-sensitivity characteristic
speed-torque characteristic
spin-recovery characteristics
square-wave response characteristic
stability characteristics
stalling characteristics
stall characteristics
start/stop characteristic
starting characteristic
static characteristic
steady-state characteristic
strain-hardening characteristic
strength characteristics
surge characteristic
swelling characteristic
switching characteristic
takeoff and landing characteristics
temperature characteristic
test-bench characteristics
thermal and physical characteristics
throttling characteristic
time characteristic
time-to-failure characteristic
timing characteristic
toughness characteristic
towing characteristic
track-defining characteristics
transfer characteristic
transient characteristic
transmission characteristic
tribological characteristics
tribometrical characteristics
tribotechnical characteristics
trim characteristics
trouble-free characteristic
turn characteristics
unitgraph characteristics
unwinding characteristic
user-definable characteristics
viscosity-temperature characteristic
voltage-current characteristic
voltage-time characteristic
wavelength characteristic
wear characteristics
well producing characteristics
work-hardening characteristic
working characteristics -
12 factor
2) фактор3) показатель•factor of earthing — коэффициент заземленияfactor of merit — 1. критерий качества 2. добротностьfactor of quality — 1. критерий качества 2. добротностьfactor of safety — 1. коэффициент запаса (прочности), запас прочности 2. коэффициент (фактор) безопасности 3. коэффициент надёжностиfactor of safety against overturning — коэффициент запаса устойчивости против опрокидывания ( при расчёте подпорных стенок)factor of safety against sliding — коэффициент запаса устойчивости против плоского сдвига по основанию ( при расчёте подпорных стенок)factor of safety against ultimate stress — коэффициент запаса прочности по пределу прочности-
2T pulse K factor
absorption factor
acceleration factor
accumulation factor
acoustic insulation factor
acoustic reduction factor
acoustic reflection factor
acoustical absorption factor
activity factor
additional secondary phase factor
additional secondary factor
aerodrome utilization factor
aircraft acceleration factor
aircraft load factor
aircraft safety factor
aircraft usability factor
amplification factor
amplitude factor
anisotropy factor
annual growth factor
annual plant factor
anthropogenic factor
aperture shape factor
application factor
array factor
ASTM stability factor
atmospheric factor
atomic factor
attenuation factor
automatic scale factor
availability factor
available heat factor
available-lime factor
average noise factor
balance factor
bandwidth factor
barrier factor
base-transport factor
basin shape factor
beam shape factor
bed-formation factor
belt differential factor
belt factor
belt sag factor
biological quality factor N
biological quality factor
biotic factor
blast-penetration factor
blockage factor
brake factor
break-even load factor
bulk factor
bulking factor
burnup factor
calibration factor
Callier factor
capacitance factor
capacity factor
car capacity utilization factor
cargo load factor
catalyst carbon factor
catalyst gas factor
cement factor
cementation factor
characteristic factors
chemotactic factor
climatic factor
clotting factor
CNI factor
coil magnification factor
coincidence factor
coke-hardness factor
coke-permeability factor
Colburo heat-transfer factor
colicinogenic factor
colicin factor
comfort factor
common factor
compacting factor
compensation factor
complexity factor
compressibility factor
concentration factor
confidence factor
consumer load coincidence factor
contrast factor
control factor
conversion factor
conveyance factor
core factor
correction factor
correlation factor
coupling factor
cover factor
crack susceptibility factor
crest factor
critical stress intensity factor
cross-modulation factor
current amplification factor
current amplitude factor
current transformer correction factor
current unbalance factor
current waveform distortion factor
cyclic duration factor
damage factor
damage severity factor
damping factor
daylight factor
dc conversion factor
decontamination factor
defective factor
deflection factor
deflection uniformity factor
degeneration factor
degradation factor
degree-day melting factor
demagnetization factor
demand factor
depolarization factor
derating factor
design factor
design load factor
detuning factor
deviation factor
dielectric loss factor
differential diffraction factor
diffuse reflection factor
diffuse transmission factor
dilution factor
dimensionless factor
directivity factor
discharge factor
displacement factor
displacement power factor
dissipation factor
distortion factor
distribution factor
diversity factor
division factor
dose buildup factor
dose reduction factor
drainage factor
drug resistance factor
duty cycle factor
duty factor
ecological factor
edaphic factor
effective demand factor
effective multiplication factor
effective-volume utilization factor
efficiency factor
electromechanical coupling factor
elimination factor
elongation factor
emission factor
emissivity factor
engineering factors
enlargement factor
enrichment factor
environmental factor
etch factor
excess air factor
excess multiplication factor
expansion factor
exponential factor
exposure factor
external factor
extraction factor
extraneous factor
F factor
Fanning friction factor
fatigue notch factor
feedback factor
field form factor
field length factor
field water-distribution factor
fill factor
filter factor
filtration factor
fineness factor
flux factor
food factor
force factor
form factor
formation volume factor
formation-resistivity factor
formation factor
fouling factor
F-prime factor
frequency factor
frequency multiplication factor
friction factor
fuel factor
fundamental factor
gage factor
gain factor
gamma factor
gas factor
gas multiplication factor
gas producing factor
gas recovery factor
gas saturation factor
geometrical structure factor
geometrical weighting factor
grading factor
granulation factor
grindability factor
growth factor
harmonic distortion factor
harmonic factor
heat conductivity factor
heat gain factor
heat leakage factor
heat loss factor
heat-stretch factor
heat-transfer factor
host factor
hot-channel factor
hot-spot factor
hull-efficiency factor
human factor
hysteresis factor
improvement factor
inductance factor
infinite multiplication factor
inhibitory factor
innovation factor
institutional factor
integer factor
integrating factor
interlace factor
intermodulation factor
K bar factor
Kell factor
lamination factor
leakage factor
lethal factor
light-transmission factor
lime factor
limit load factor
linear expansion factor
literal factor
load curve irregularity factor
load factor
loading factor
longitudinal load distribution factor
Lorentz factor
loss factor
luminance factor
luminosity factor
magnetic form factor
magnetic leakage factor
magnetic loss factor
magnification factor
maximum enthalpy rise factor
membrane swelling factor
minimum noise factor
mismatch factor
mode I stress intensity factor
mode II stress intensity factor
mode III stress intensity factor
modifying factor
modulation factor
modulus factor of reflux
moment intensity factor
mu factor
multiplication factor
multiplicity factor
multiplying factor
Murphree efficiency factor
mutual coupling factor
mutual inductance factor
natural factor
negative phase-sequence current factor
negative phase-sequence voltage factor
neutron multiplication factor
noise factor
nonlinearity factor
notch concentration factor
notch factor
numerical factor
obturation factor
oil factors
oil recovery factor
oil saturation factor
oil shrinkage factor
opening mode stress intensity factor
operating factor
operating load factor
operational factor
operation factor
optimum noise factor
orbit burden factor
output factor
overcurrent factor
overload factor
pacing factor
packing factor
paratypic factor
partial safety factor for load
partial safety factor for material
particle-reduction factor
passenger load factor
peak factor
peak responsibility factor
peak-load effective duration factor
penetration factor
performance factor
permeability factor
phase factor
phase-angle correction factor
phasor power factor
physiographic factor
pitch differential factor
pitch factor
plain-strain stress intensity factor
plane-earth factor
plant capacity factor
plant-load factor
plant-use factor
porosity factor
positive phase-sequence current factor
positive phase-sequence voltage factor
potential transformer correction factor
powder factor
power factor
power filling factor
primary phase factor
primary factor
prime factor
proof/ultimate factor
propagation factor
propagation meteorological factor
propagation terrain factor
proportionality factor
proximity factor
pulsation factor
quality factor
R factor
radiance factor
radio-interference suppression factor
readiness factor
recombinogenic factor
recovery factor
rectification factor
reduction factor
redundancy improvement factor
reflection factor
reflectivity factor
refraction factor
refrigerating factor
reheat factor
relative loss factor
relative severity factor
release factor
reliability demonstration factor
reliability factor
relocation factor
repairability factor
repeatability factor
reservoir volume factor
reset factor of relay
resistance transfer factor
restorability factor
revenue load factor
ripple factor
risk factor
rolling shape factor
roll-off factor
roughness factor
runoff factor
safety factor for dropout of relay
safety factor for pickup of relay
safety factor of insulation
safety factor
sag factor
saturation factor
scale factor
scaling factor
screening factor
screen factor
secondary-electron-emission factor
self-transmissible factor
separation factor
service factor
sex factor
shadow factor
shape factor
sheet ratio factor
shielding factor
shield factor
shrinkage factor
signal-to-noise improvement factor
size factor
skew factor
slant-range correction factor
sliding factor
slip factor
smoothing factor
snagging factor
soap factor
social factor
socioeconomic factor
solubility factor
sound absorption factor
space factor of winding
space factor
spreading factor
squeezing factor
stability factor
stacking factor
stage amplification factor
standing-wave factor
steam reduction factor
steam-zone shape factor
storage factor
stowage factor
strain concentration factor
streamflow formation factor
strength factor
stress concentration factor
stress intensity factor
stretch factor
structure factor
submergence factor
summability factor
superficial friction factor
support factor
surface correction factor
surface-area factor
tapping factor
technical preparedness factor
telephone influence factor
termination factor
terrain factor
thermal eta factor
thermal factor
thermal utilization factor
thermodynamic factor
thrust-deduction factor
time factor
time-scale factor
tire size factor
tooth factor
transfer factor
transmission factor
transport factor
traveling-wave factor
trigger factor
truck service factor
tuning factor
turbidity factor
turbulence factor
twist factor
unavailability factor
unbalance factor
unit conversion factor
usage factor
utilization factor
vacuum factor
velocity gain factor
velocity factor
viscosity factor
void factor
voltage amplification factor
voltage amplitude factor
voltage ripple factor
voltage unbalance factor
voltage waveform distortion factor
volume-utilization factor
wake factor
water encroachment factor
water saturation factor
waveform distortion factor
wear factor
weather-forming factor
weight load factor
weighting factor
weight factor
winding factor
wobble factor
wood swelling factor
work factor
yield factor
zero phase-sequence current factor
zero phase-sequence voltage factor -
13 network
1) сеть (железных дорог, каналов, трубопроводов и т. п.)5) схема; цепь; контур6) эл. многополюсник; четырехполюсник8) вычислительная сеть; сеть ЭВМ9) геофиз. сеть наблюдений; сеть опорных пунктов•-
π network
active electrical network
active network
adding network
adjustment network
air route network
all-pass network
anti-induction network
aperiodic network
artificial mains network
asymmetrical network
attenuation network
augmented transition network
automatic voice network
backbone network
backup radio network
balanced network
balancing network
baseband network
baseline network
basic network
BGS network
binary-weighted network
bridge network
bridged-T network
broadcast network
buoy data acquisition network
bus network
cable network
capacitive network
capacitor network
cellular radio network
centralized computer network
channel network
charge-summing network
circuit-switching network
climatological station network
closed private network
communications network
community antenna distribution network
computer network
conferencing network
connected network
contact network
coupling network
crack network
crossover network
customer access network
data communications network
data network
data transmission network
decoupling network
dedicated network
deemphasis network
delay-line network
delta network
demand-assigned network
dial-up network
differentiating network
digital network
diode network
direct distance dialing network
dislocation network
distributed interactive data network
distributed network
distributed-constant network
distributed-processing network
distribution network
DNC network
double-loop network
drainage network
dual network
earthing network
effectively earthed network
electrical network
electronically-switched network
electronic-switched network
elemental network
end-linked network
equivalent network
Eurovision network
extensive network
facsimile network
fault-signaling network
feed network
feedback network
flow network
four-pole network
four-terminal network
fully connected network
functional logic network
gage network
gas distribution network
gas network
geodetic network
glass network
global network
gravity network
ground network
ground-station network
heat network
heavy network
heterogeneous computer network
hierarchical network
high-bandwidth network
high-capacity network
high-voltage power network
highway network
homogeneous computer network
hybrid network
hydrologic network
inductance network
inductance-capacitance network
inductance-resistance network
industrial network
infinite network
information network
integrated digital network
integrated intracell network
integrated network
integrated-services digital network
integrating network
interactive network
intercity network
intercom network
interlaced network
interpenetrating polymer networks
interstage network
Intervision network
inverse networks
island network
isolation network
Kelvin network
L network
ladder network
lamellar network
lattice network
leased-line network
leveling network
lighting network
light-rail network
linear network
local data-processing network
local-area network
logic network
long-distance network
long-haul network
loop network
lossless network
low-voltage network
lumped-constant network
lumped network
main waterway network
manual routing network
Markovian network
matching network
meshed network
mesoscale observational network
message-switched network
meteorological network
metropolitan-area network
mixed network
mobile network
monitoring network
monopulse network
multiaccess network
multibranch network
multidimensional network
multidrop network
multinode network
multiple feed network
multipoint network
multiport network
multiservice network
multistation network
multiterminal network
near-shore buoy network
negative sequence network
network of base gravity stations
nodal network
nonlinear network
nonplanar network
nonreciprocal network
notch network
n-pole network
n-port network
n-terminal network
observation network
one-hop network
one-port network
ozone network
packet radio network
packet switching network
parallel-T network
passive network
personal computer network
phase-advance network
phase-inverting network
phase-shift network
phase-splitting network
phasing network
Pi network
planar network
PLC network
point-to-point network
polled network
polymer network
positive sequence network
power distribution network
power network
preassigned network
precipitation network
preemphasis network
primary distribution network
private-line network
public data network
pull-down network
pull-up network
pulse-forming network
quadripole network
queueing network
radial network
radio intercom network
radio sounding network
radio-relay network
railway network
rain-gage network
reciprocal network
recursive transition network
relay-contact network
resistance-capacitance network
resistive ladder network
resistive network
resistor network
ring network
river network
road network
rocket sounding network
rubber network
satellite network
semantic network
semiconductor network
short-haul network
simulcast network
single-tuned network
six-phase network
space network
standard gage trunk network
star network
stream-gaging network
stretched network
subtransmission network
survey network
switched network
switched-message network
switching network
T network
telecommunication network
telemetered air monitoring network
telephone network
teleprocessing network
teletype network
terminating network
terminating switching network
Thomson network
three-phase network
token-bus network
token-ring network
total ozone sampling network
traffic network
transit network
transition network
transmission network
transportation network
transport network
tree network
triangulation network
trilateration network
tsunami network
twin-T network
two-pole network
two-port network
two-terminal network
ultra-high voltage power network
unbalanced network
upper-air network
value-added network
variable topology network
ventilation network
virtual call network
voice network
vulcanization network
water quality monitoring network
water-supply network
weather radar network
weighting network
wide-area network
wideband network
worldwide communication network
Y network
zero sequence network -
14 control
1) контроль
2) контрольный
3) обоснование
4) обосновывать
5) оперативный
6) регулировать
7) регулировочный орган
8) совладать
9) управление
10) управляемость
11) управляющий
12) штурвальный
13) регулировка
14) управлять
15) проверять
16) регулирование
17) инструкция
18) исполнительный
19) контролировать
20) проверка
21) проверочный
22) регулирующий
– absence of control
– air traffic control
– air-traffic control
– analysis is in control
– anticipatory control
– arc control device
– association control
– attenuation control
– attitude control
– automatic control
– autonomous control
– autothrottle control
– bang-bang control
– be in control
– be out of control
– bin control gate
– brightness control
– bucket tip control
– bulge control
– centralized control
– closed-cycle control
– complete control
– context control
– continuous control
– contrast control
– control accuracy
– control action
– control actuator
– control agent
– control air
– control algorithm
– control amplifier
– control and display
– control assembly
– control beam
– control bus
– control button
– control cabinet
– control cable
– control cam
– control center
– control channel
– control character
– control characteristic
– control circuit
– control code
– control column
– control combination
– control computer
– control crank
– control criterion
– control current
– control cylinder
– control data
– control desk
– control electrode
– control electronics
– control element
– control equipment
– control factor
– control flutter
– control force
– control function
– control gate
– control gear
– control graphitization
– control instruction
– control jet
– control joint
– control key
– control knob
– control lag
– control lever
– control limit
– control linkages
– control links
– control loop
– control magnet
– control means
– control mode
– control module
– control motor
– control of airplane
– control office
– control operation
– control panel
– control pedal
– control position
– control problem
– control pulse
– control range
– control reactor
– control register
– control relay
– control response
– control room
– control shaft
– control spin
– control statement
– control stick
– control surface
– control survey
– control switch
– control temperature
– control theory
– control track
– control transistor
– control unit
– control vector
– control voltage
– control weeds
– control winding
– control wiring
– corrosion control
– dash control
– data control
– derivative control
– digital control
– direct control
– distance control
– disturbance-compensating control
– dive-recovery control
– duplicate control
– dust control
– ease of control
– elevator control
– emergency control
– end-point control
– engine control
– environment control
– error control
– error-closing control
– exclusive control
– extension of control
– feed control
– feed-back control
– feedback control
– filament control
– fine control
– fire control
– flight control
– floating control
– flood control
– flow-rate control
– focus control
– frequency control
– front-panel control
– gain control
– ganged control
– geodetic control
– go out of control
– ground control
– gyrorudder control
– hand control
– headwater control
– height control
– hierarchical control
– in-process control
– independent control
– indirect control
– industrial control
– input-output control
– integral control
– interacting control
– intermittent control
– inventory control
– jet control
– job control language
– layout of control
– leather control
– level control
– linearity control
– load control
– local control
– lose control
– loss of control
– manual control
– master control
– meduim-access control
– meduim-access control
– mission control
– multicircuit control
– noise control
– numerical control
– off-line control
– on-line control
– on-off control
– open-loop control
– operating control
– optimal control
– optimization control
– out of control
– pass control
– path control
– path of control
– pedal control
– pest control
– phase control
– phase-lock control
– piano-key control
– plan control
– point of control
– point-to-point control
– power-assisted control
– product control
– program control
– programmed control
– proportional control
– proportional-plus-floating control
– push-button control
– pushbutton control
– quality control
– radio control
– ramp control
– reaction control
– recovery control
– regain control
– register control
– remotability of control
– remote control
– roll control
– rudder control
– run-off control
– sampled-data control
– segregate control
– selectivity control
– self-acting control
– sensitivity control
– servo control
– slide control
– slope control
– statistical control
– steering control
– supervisory control
– take control
– technical control
– temperature control
– throttle control
– tone control
– touch control
– traffic control
– tuning control
– vertical control
– vibration control
– voice-activated control
– volume control
aerodynamic control surface — руль управления аэродинамический
automatic control equipment — аппаратура автоматического управления
automatic frequency control — частотная АПЧ, автоматическая настройка частоты
automatic gain control — <tech.> регулировка усиления автоматическая
automatic remote control — <comput.> телеавтоматика
automatic voltage control — регулирование напряжения автоматическое
bang-bang control system — <comput.> система управления релейная
cancelling control button — < railways> кнопка отмены
centralized traffic control — < railways> централизация
conditional transfer of control — условная передача управления
control aisle of a substation — коридор управления подстанции
control in pitch of airplane — продольное управление самолетом
control point adjustment — настройка точки регулирования, <engin.> задатчик
control tower service — <aeron.> служба диспетчерская
coordinated phosphate control — коррекционная обработка воды
differential control method — дифференцированный метод контроля
dispatcher's supervisory control — телеуправление диспетчерское
fire control computer — счетно-решающее устройство для управления артиллерийским огнем
fire control director — прибор управления артиллерийским огнем
floating control mode — <comput.> способ регулирования астатический
intermittent gain control — < radio> регулировка усиления временная
lateral control of airplane — поперечное управление самолетом
microprocessor control system — микропроцессорная система управления
pressure control instrument — <tech.> маностат
proportional control factor — <comput.> коэффициент пропорционального регулирования
range finder control — <geod.> метод дальномерно-базисный
reactor control system — <engin.> система управления и защиты
remote control interlocking — < railways> телецентрализация, централизация дистанционная
river control structure — <geol.> сооружение выправительное
servo control unit — <engin.> гидроусилитель
spray-type superheat control — впрысковое регулирование перегрева
supervisory control system — <comput.> автодиспетчер
thermostatic temperature control — ключевое термостатирование
volume range control — регулирование динамического диапазона
15 equalizer
= EQ2) вчт тлв схема (активного) формирования передаточной характеристики; схема коррекция цветопередачи ( при формировании изображений)3) корректор (для устранения частотной зависимости параметров устройства или линии связи)6) компенсатор•- amplitude equalizer
- attenuation equalizer
- baseband equalizer
- bump equalizer
- conventional linear equalizer
- cosine equalizer
- decision-feedback equalizer
- delay equalizer
- derivative equalizer
- dialogue equalizer
- feedforward equalizer
- frequency-response equalizer
- graphic equalizer
- group-delay equalizer
- head equalizer
- hi-lo equalizer
- line equalizer
- master equalizer
- mid-range equalizer
- octave equalizer
- one-third-octave equalizer
- parametric equalizer
- phase equalizer
- presence equalizer
- pulse equalizer
- record equalizer
- slope equalizer
- stereo equalizer
- stereo graphic equalizer
- transversal equalizer -
16 factor
1) коэффициент; множитель || выносить за скобки; разлагать на множители2) фактора) коэффициент; константа; постояннаяб) поправочный коэффициент; корректирующий множитель3) делитель ( числа или выражения)4) регрессор•- absorption factor
- accountable factor
- alternating-quantity form factor
- amplification factor
- amplifier distortion factor
- amplitude factor
- array factor
- AT form factor
- attenuation factor
- ATX form factor
- autonomous factor
- avalanche multiplication factor
- average noise factor
- Baby AT form factor
- bandwidth factor
- base-transport factor
- beam compression factor
- between factor
- blocking factor
- Boltzmann factor
- branching factor
- bunching factor
- capacitive branch quality factor
- causal factor
- chance factor
- chill factor
- coincidence factor
- collector-current multiplication factor
- color correction factor
- commutation factor
- commutative factor
- compensation factor
- complex factor
- complexity factor
- confidence factor
- constant factor
- constraint factor
- correction factor
- correlation factor
- coupling factor
- crest factor
- cross-modulation factor
- current-amplification factor
- current-multiplication factor
- current-stability factor
- cyclic duration factor
- damping factor
- daylight factor
- Debye-Waller factor
- deflection factor
- deflection uniformity factor
- degeneracy factor
- degeneration factor
- demagnetization curve fullness factor
- demagnetizing factor
- demand factor
- depolarization factor
- depreciation factor
- derating factor
- determining factor
- design factor
- dielectric dissipation factor
- dielectric filling factor
- dielectric loss factor
- dielectric power factor
- diffusion factor
- dimension factor
- dimensionless factor
- directivity factor
- dissipation factor
- distortion factor
- distribution factor
- diversity factor
- duty factor
- electrical form factor
- element factor
- elimination factor
- exogenous factor
- exponential factor
- feedback factor
- ferrite filling factor
- fill factor
- filling factor
- filter factor
- fineness factor
- fixed factor
- flare factor
- flex-ATX form factor
- force factor
- form factor
- free factor
- frequency multiplication factor
- fudge factor
- fullness factor
- g-factor
- gap factor
- gas-amplification factor
- gas-content factor
- gas-multiplication factor
- geometric factor
- geometry factor
- greatest common factor
- greatest prime factor
- grouping factor
- growth factor
- harmonic distortion factor
- heat conductivity factor
- human factor
- hysteresis factor
- impedance mismatch factor
- improvement factor
- inductive branch quality factor
- injection factor
- interlace factor
- interleave factor
- K-factor
- Kell factor
- Landé factor
- leakage factor
- literal factor
- load factor
- loss factor - luminosity factor
- luminous factor
- magnetic dissipation factor
- magnetic form factor
- magnetic leakage factor
- magnetic loss factor
- magnetic power factor
- magnetic splitting factor
- magnetostrictive sensitivity factor
- magnification factor
- magnitude factor
- mains decoupling factor
- mains-interference immunity factor
- mechanical quality factor
- micro-ATX form factor
- mini-ATX form factor
- mismatch factor
- mismatching factor
- modifying factor
- modulation factor
- mu factor
- multiplication factor
- multiplying factor
- mutual inductance factor
- nature factor
- NLX form factor
- noise factor
- noise improvement factor
- nonlinear distortion factor
- nuclear g-factor
- nuclear Landé factor
- nuclear magnetic splitting factor
- numerical factor
- operation factor
- output factor
- overload factor
- packing factor
- peak factor
- penetration factor
- performance factor
- permeability rise factor
- phase factor
- photomultiplication factor
- piezoelectric coupling factor
- pitch factor
- plane-Earth factor
- polarization mismatch factor
- polarization receiving factor
- post-deflection acceleration factor
- power factor
- propagation factor
- propagation terrain factor
- proximity factor
- pulse duty factor
- punch-through factor
- Q-factor
- quality factor
- radiance factor
- reactive factor
- readiness factor
- receiver noise factor
- rectification factor
- rectifier form factor
- reduced quality factor
- reflection factor
- regularization factor
- relative erythemal factor
- relative severity factor
- reliability factor
- relocation factor
- repairability factor
- repeatability factor
- repeating measure factor
- restorability factor
- RF demagnetizing factor
- ripple factor
- rolloff factor
- SA factor
- safety factor
- saturation factor
- scale factor
- scaling factor
- secondary-electron emission factor
- sector interleave factor
- selective availability factor
- shadow factor
- shape factor
- shield factor
- shielding factor
- signal-to-noise factor
- skip factor
- sky factor
- slowing factor
- smoothing factor
- space factor
- space-charge growth factor
- speed-up factor
- spherical-Earth factor
- spot noise factor
- spread factor
- stability factor
- stabilization factor
- standing-wave loss factor
- storage factor
- structure factor
- surround factor
- switching factor
- time-scaling factor
- transfer factor
- transition factor
- transmission factor
- transport factor
- unitary factor
- unity power factor
- unloaded dissipation factor
- utilization factor
- vacuum factor
- velocity factor
- visibility factor
- voltage amplification factor
- weight factor
- weighting factor
- windchill factor
- winding factor
- within factor
- WTX form factor
- Y-factor
- Z-factor
- μ-factor -
17 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- networks of limited equivalence
- network of microcomputer
- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network - aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network - asynchronous neural network - back propagation network
- back-up radio network
- balanced network
- balanced Feistel network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network - biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network - bus network
- butterfly network
- C-network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network - circuit-switching network
- class A-network
- class B-network
- class C-network
- client-server network
- closed private network - common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer network - connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network - coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network - discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive-network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network - equivalent networks - extensional semantic network
- extensive network - feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network - fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fuzzy neural network
- generalized additive network - ground-station network - Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high-capacity network - higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links - Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- L-network
- ladder network - lattice network
- lead network
- leased-line network
- linear network - load-matching network - long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- learning vector quantization network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network - multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network - neural network with local connections
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- O-network
- one-port network
- optical network
- optical fiber network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network - packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel-T network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- pi-network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network - quadrupole network - radar network
- radio network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication-network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite-earth stations network - second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network - sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network - strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched network
- switched message network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network - T-network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network - terminating switching network - token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network - trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network - world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-network
- π-network -
18 equalizer
2) вчт.; тлв. схема (активного) формирования передаточной характеристики; схема коррекция цветопередачи ( при формировании изображений)3) корректор (для устранения частотной зависимости параметров устройства или линии связи)6) компенсатор•- amplitude equalizer
- attenuation equalizer
- baseband equalizer
- bump equalizer
- conventional linear equalizer
- cosine equalizer
- decision-feedback equalizer
- delay equalizer
- derivative equalizer
- dialogue equalizer
- feedforward equalizer
- frequency-response equalizer
- graphic equalizer
- group-delay equalizer
- head equalizer
- hi-lo equalizer
- line equalizer
- master equalizer
- mid-range equalizer
- octave equalizer
- one-third-octave equalizer
- parametric equalizer
- phase equalizer
- presence equalizer
- pulse equalizer
- record equalizer
- slope equalizer
- stereo equalizer
- stereo graphic equalizer
- transversal equalizerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > equalizer
19 factor
1) коэффициент; множитель || выносить за скобки; разлагать на множители2) фактора) коэффициент; константа; постояннаяб) поправочный коэффициент; корректирующий множитель3) делитель ( числа или выражения)4) регрессор•- μ factor- absorption factor
- accountable factor
- alternating-quantity form factor
- amplification factor
- amplifier distortion factor
- amplitude factor
- array factor
- AT form factor
- attenuation factor
- ATX form factor
- autonomous factor
- avalanche multiplication factor
- average noise factor
- Baby AT form factor
- bandwidth factor
- base-transport factor
- beam compression factor
- between factor
- blocking factor
- Boltzmann factor
- branching factor
- bunching factor
- capacitive branch quality factor
- causal factor
- chance factor
- chill factor
- coincidence factor
- collector-current multiplication factor
- color correction factor
- commutation factor
- commutative factor
- compensation factor
- complex factor
- complexity factor
- confidence factor
- constant factor
- constraint factor
- correction factor
- correlation factor
- coupling factor
- crest factor
- cross-modulation factor
- current-amplification factor
- current-multiplication factor
- current-stability factor
- cyclic duration factor
- damping factor
- daylight factor
- Debye-Waller factor
- deflection factor
- deflection uniformity factor
- degeneracy factor
- degeneration factor
- demagnetization curve fullness factor
- demagnetizing factor
- demand factor
- depolarization factor
- depreciation factor
- derating factor
- design factor
- determining factor
- dielectric dissipation factor
- dielectric filling factor
- dielectric loss factor
- dielectric power factor
- diffusion factor
- dimension factor
- dimensionless factor
- directivity factor
- dissipation factor
- distortion factor
- distribution factor
- diversity factor
- duty factor
- electrical form factor
- element factor
- elimination factor
- exogenous factor
- exponential factor
- factor of production
- feedback factor
- ferrite filling factor
- fill factor
- filling factor
- filter factor
- fineness factor
- fixed factor
- flare factor
- flex-ATX form factor
- force factor
- form factor
- free factor
- frequency multiplication factor
- fudge factor
- fullness factor
- gap factor
- gas-amplification factor
- gas-content factor
- gas-multiplication factor
- geometric factor
- geometry factor
- g-factor
- greatest common factor
- greatest prime factor
- grouping factor
- growth factor
- harmonic distortion factor
- heat conductivity factor
- human factor
- hysteresis factor
- impedance mismatch factor
- improvement factor
- inductive branch quality factor
- injection factor
- interlace factor
- interleave factor
- Kell factor
- K-factor
- Landé factor
- leakage factor
- literal factor
- load factor
- loss factor
- lowest common factor
- LPX form factor
- luminosity factor
- luminous factor
- magnetic dissipation factor
- magnetic form factor
- magnetic leakage factor
- magnetic loss factor
- magnetic power factor
- magnetic splitting factor
- magnetostrictive sensitivity factor
- magnification factor
- magnitude factor
- mains decoupling factor
- mains-interference immunity factor
- mechanical quality factor
- micro-ATX form factor
- mini-ATX form factor
- mismatch factor
- mismatching factor
- modifying factor
- modulation factor
- mu factor
- multiplication factor
- multiplying factor
- mutual inductance factor
- nature factor
- NLX form factor
- noise factor
- noise improvement factor
- nonlinear distortion factor
- nuclear g-factor
- nuclear Landé factor
- nuclear magnetic splitting factor
- numerical factor
- operation factor
- output factor
- overload factor
- packing factor
- peak factor
- penetration factor
- performance factor
- permeability rise factor
- phase factor
- photomultiplication factor
- piezoelectric coupling factor
- pitch factor
- plane-Earth factor
- polarization mismatch factor
- polarization receiving factor
- post-deflection acceleration factor
- power factor
- propagation factor
- propagation terrain factor
- proximity factor
- pulse duty factor
- punch-through factor
- Q-factor
- quality factor
- radiance factor
- reactive factor
- readiness factor
- receiver noise factor
- rectification factor
- rectifier form factor
- reduced quality factor
- reflection factor
- regularization factor
- relative erythemal factor
- relative severity factor
- reliability factor
- relocation factor
- repairability factor
- repeatability factor
- repeating measure factor
- restorability factor
- RF demagnetizing factor
- ripple factor
- rolloff factor
- SA factor
- safety factor
- saturation factor
- scale factor
- scaling factor
- secondary-electron emission factor
- sector interleave factor
- selective availability factor
- shadow factor
- shape factor
- shield factor
- shielding factor
- signal-to-noise factor
- skip factor
- sky factor
- slowing factor
- smoothing factor
- space factor
- space-charge growth factor
- speed-up factor
- spherical-Earth factor
- spot noise factor
- spread factor
- stability factor
- stabilization factor
- standing-wave loss factor
- storage factor
- structure factor
- surround factor
- switching factor
- time-scaling factor
- transfer factor
- transition factor
- transmission factor
- transport factor
- unitary factor
- unity power factor
- unloaded dissipation factor
- utilization factor
- vacuum factor
- velocity factor
- visibility factor
- voltage amplification factor
- weight factor
- weighting factor
- windchill factor
- winding factor
- within factor
- WTX form factor
- Y factor
- Z factorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > factor
20 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network
- advanced intelligent network
- advertiser network
- aeronautical fixed telecommunications network
- all-pass network
- aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network
- artificial neural network
- asynchronous network
- asynchronous neural network
- attached resource computer network
- attenuation network
- automatic digital network
- automatic voice network
- back propagation network
- backbone network
- back-up radio network
- balanced Feistel network
- balanced network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network
- because it's time network
- Benetton network
- biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network
- broadband communication network
- broadband integrated services digital network
- building-out network
- bus network
- butterfly network
- C network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network
- charge-routing network
- circuit-switched data network
- circuit-switched public data network
- circuit-switching network
- class A network
- class B network
- class C network
- client-server network
- closed private network
- combinatorial network
- commercial network
- common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer + science network
- computer network
- concatenated network
- conferencing network
- connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network
- counterpropagation network
- coupled-line network
- coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network
- digital time-division network
- directed network
- discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network
- electronic space-division analog network
- elementary digital network
- equalizing network
- equivalent networks
- European academic and research network
- European Unix network
- exponential network
- extensional semantic network
- extensive network
- fast neural network
- FDNR network
- feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network
- FIDO technology network
- firm network
- fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- fuzzy neural network
- general regression neural network
- generalized additive network
- global area network
- ground-station network
- ground-wave emergency network
- H network
- Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high energy physics network
- high-capacity network
- higher-order network
- higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links
- integrated broadband communication network
- integrated business network
- integrated digital network
- integrated enterprise network
- integrated services digital network
- integrating network
- intelligent network
- intelligent optical network
- intercom network
- Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- L network
- ladder network
- LAN outer network
- land network
- lattice network
- lead network
- learning vector quantization network
- leased-line network
- linear integrated network
- linear network
- linear varying parameter network
- load-matching network
- local area network
- local computer network
- long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network
- multiprotocol transport network
- multiservice network
- multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network
- national information network
- network of microcomputer
- networks of limited equivalence
- networks ot general equivalence
- neural network with local connections
- neural network
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- one-port network
- O-network
- optical fiber network
- optical network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network
- packet data network
- packet radio network
- packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- parallel-T network
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- pi-network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network
- probabilistic neural network
- projection pursuit network
- public data network
- public land mobile network
- public switched network
- public switched telephone network
- public telegraph network
- public telephone network
- pulse-forming network
- quadripole network
- quadrupole network
- quantum neural network
- queuing network
- radar network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite tracking and data acquisition network
- satellite-earth stations network
- screw-dislocation network
- second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network
- small business network
- social network
- software defined network
- solid-state network
- sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network
- storage area network
- store-and-forward network
- strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched message network
- switched network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network
- synchronous optical network
- systolic network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network
- telecommunications management network
- teletype network
- terminating switching network
- time delay neural network
- time-division analog network
- time-invariant network
- T-network
- token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network
- trimming resistive network
- trunk network
- trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network
- user network
- value-added network
- virtual private network
- weighting network
- wide area network
- wireless intelligent network
- wireless local area network
- wireless wide area network
- work station network
- world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-networkThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > network
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Feedback (disambiguation) — Feedback is information about actions returned to the source of the actions. To request for feedback on new articles and major edits go .Feedback may also refer to: * Positive feedback, a feedback system that responds to perturbation in the same… … Wikipedia
Guitar amplifier — Mesa Boogie Mark IV, a guitar combo amplifier A guitar amplifier (or guitar amp) is an electronic amplifier designed to make the signal of an electric or acoustic guitar louder so that it will produce sound through a loudspeaker. Most guitar… … Wikipedia
Electronic amplifier — A practical amplifier circuit An electronic amplifier is a device for increasing the power of a signal. It does this by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with a larger amplitude. In… … Wikipedia
Bode plot — ; the straight line approximations are labeled Bode pole ; phase varies from 90° at low frequencies (due to the contribution of the numerator, which is 90° at all frequencies) to 0° at high frequencies (where the phase contribution of the… … Wikipedia
Trp operon — If unfamiliar with these terms, visit the operon page first.Trp operon is an operon in bacteria which promotes the production of tryptophan when tryptophan isn t present in the environment. Discovered in 1953 by Jacques Monod and colleagues, the… … Wikipedia
Cascode — The cascode is a two stage amplifier composed of a transconductance amplifier followed by a current buffer. Compared to a single amplifier stage, this combination may have one or more of the following advantages: higher input output isolation,… … Wikipedia
Tube sound — (or valve sound) is the characteristic sound associated with a vacuum tube based audio amplifiers. Some audiophiles prefer the sound that is produced by the distortion characteristics of tube based amplifiers. The audible significance of tube… … Wikipedia
Phase-locked loop — PLL redirects here. For other uses, see PLL (disambiguation). A phase locked loop or phase lock loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input reference signal. It is an electronic… … Wikipedia
Attenuator (genetics) — The attenuator plays an important regulatory role in prokaryotic cells because of the absence of the nucleus in prokaryotic organisms. The attenuator refers to a specific regulatory sequence that, when transcribed into RNA, forms hairpin… … Wikipedia
Non-line-of-sight propagation — Non line of sight (NLOS) or near line of sight is a term used to describe radio transmission across a path that is partially obstructed, usually by a physical object in the innermost Fresnel zone. Many types of radio transmissions depend, to… … Wikipedia
emotion — emotionable, adj. emotionless, adj. /i moh sheuhn/, n. 1. an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness. 2. any of the… … Universalium